Daily Devotional – MORNINGTIME 1616

Daily Devotional. But he that shall endure UNTO THE END, the same shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall THE END come. Matthew 24:13-14. Matthew chapter 24 is talking all about the 7 years Tribulation, the time of the end. Whatever you want to consider the end to be, please note that in both these verses, the words “the end” have the same meaning, the same definition. Verse 24 seems to indicate that there will be Believers fighting the good fight all the way until the end. Verse 25 says that once all the world has heard the Gospel, then the end comes, the same end that Christians will be faithful to. My point? Just wondering how Christians can be in 2 places at the same time. On earth fighting the good fight to the end and found faithful, and, also in heaven with Christ having been snatched out of this world before the 7 year tribulation starts, known as “The Baptist Rapture”. You’ll have to decide if you’re going out of here in a man-made Baptist Rapture, or fighting The Good Fight all the way to the end as scripture boldly declares. Going for the Baptist Rapture is fine, as long as you’re ready to fight the good fight all the way to the end, in case there is no “Baptist rapture”. If you are prepared and ready for “the worst” and pray for “the best” you’ll be on safe ground no matter how THE END works out. That’s the whole point, however you Believe. Just be Obediently Faithful to Christ, and He’ll have you ready for Him, whenever that is. We may be entering the most Awesome time the world has ever seen, this has been building for 6,000 years, AND YOU WANT OUT??? Go with Christ, He’s with you the whole way, to “the end”. Get to “The End”, and, Be Blessed.

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