Daily Devotional- MORNINGTIME 4403

Daily Devotional. God forbid: yea, let God be True, but every man a liar…. Romans 3:4. Study to shew thyself Approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, RIGHTLY DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH. 2 Timothy 2:15. The eyes of the Lord PRESERVE KNOWLEDGE, and He overthroweth the words of the transgression. (The words of liars). Proverbs 22:12. After the latest MORNINGTIME, a comment was made, “Jesus didn’t read from the King James Bible, why should we?  The Spanish Bible is not an exact translation of the English KJV, does that make it a substandard Bible”? And it made a good point. Along with the Authorized King James Bible, their are many other Bible versions, and Bible Perversions. Some versions are fairly close to the King James, and some are straight from Hell. If we used a scale of 0 to 100, the Satanic Bible is totally against God and could be rated close to “0”, as an illustration. If the KJV rates a “100”, than all other versions would fall somewhere in between. With this as a basis to go by, the Lord can, and does, use any version He wants to convict man of sin and call him to Repentance unto Salvation through Christ. People can be Saved while reading the Quran. It’s not the Bible version that saves, IT’S THE LORD WHO SAVES AND HE WILL USE ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING HE WANTS TO TO BRING A PERSON TO CHRIST. This world is full of the Glory of the Lord and everything about Nature points back to Christ, it’s Creator. A Bible is black and white, (red and white) ink the Lord can use as He sees fit. He “authorized” the KJV Bible, but He’ll use ANY version He wants to. Bible or no Bible, Salvation is what it’s all about, not what percentage of Truth a book has, or doesn’t have. Some bibles have small changes from the KJV, some have blatant lies against the KJV. Use whatever version that ministers to you and keep asking the Lord to show you all He has for you as you Grow in Christ. Christ Himself IS the Living Word of God, Seek Him for all Truth, and Eternally, Be Blessed. 

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