Daily Devotional- MORNINGTIME 4406

Daily Devotional. THE HEART IS DECEITFUL above all things, AND DESPERATELY WICKED: who can know it? I THE LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to GIVE EVERY MAN according to HIS (HEART’S CRY) WAYS, AND according to the fruit of his DOINGS. Jeremiah 17:9-10. The Lord offers Repentance unto Salvation to every man, woman and child on planet Earth. No one will have ANY excuse for Rejecting Christ when they face Him on Judgment Day. Thank you Adam, all mankind is headed for Hell. Thank you Jesus, all mankind can choose to go to Heaven, AS THE LORD, AND THE LORD ALONE, CAN SEE EVERY HEART ATTITUDE THAT A MAN HAS. And He will give you the Desires of your Heart. As His Word goes forth around the world, as Gospel Seeds are planted, (remember the 4 soil types in the Heart), the Lord will Save ALL who call on Him. Even as a tiny mustard seed of Faith will Grow into Salvation. That’s good, but on the Dark Side, if your Heart is continually Evil and fully Against the Lord, the Lord will turn you over to the sin and debauchery your Heart desires. Do you hate Christ and His people the Jews? He’ll give you an “anti-Christ” rally at collage to SCREAM against Him, as your Heart Desires. Or He’ll give you over to Hamas to actually FIGHT against Him and His people if your sin sick Heart desires. BUT YOUR SINS WILL BE FOUND OUT, YOUR SECRETE HEART’S DESIRES WILL BE BROUGHT OUT FOR ALL THE PUBLIC TO SEE. The Lord will give you the freedom to Truly, publicly express your innermost secret Desires, AND IN YOUR OWN MIND, YOU WILL FEEL FREE AND JUSTIFIED TO WILLINGLY AND PUBLICLY EXPRESS YOUR PLANS AND IDEAS. You won’t see it, but even your friends will see you as a big Fool with your self justified ideas that come straight from Hell. On Judgment Day, you will see the error and deception of your HEART DESIRED evil ways as you PUSHED ASIDE all of Christ’s Attempts to bring you Salvation. Satan OFFERS Deception, YOU HAVE TO CHOOSE TO WORK AGAINST THE LORD TO BE DECEIVED. And you will NOT, Be Blessed. 

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