Daily Devotional- MORNINGTIME 4580

Daily Devotional. But let all those that put their Trust in Thee Rejoice: let them ever Shout For Joy, because Thou Defendest them: let them also that Love Thy Name Be Joyful in Thee. For Thou, LORD, WILT BLESS THE RIGHTEOUS; WITH FAVOR WILT THOU COMPASS HIM as with a Shield. Psalm 5:11-12. We last left off with, “ALL men start in the darkest, most dangerous depths of the Jungle, to surely Die, and to NEVER, Be Blessed”. That’s a hard way to end it, so let’s continue into the GOoD News at the top of the Ridge. Yes, ALL men START in Death and Destruction, BUT NO ONE HAS TO STAY IN DEATH AND DESTRUCTION, there are Signs EVERYWHERE pointing The Way to the Safety in Christ, at the top of the Ridge. ALL are Called to Safety, and ALL can come to that Safety. NO ONE has to go to Hell. YOU HAVE TO PURPOSILY, WITH DEADLY INTENT, CHOOSE TO IGNORE ALL THE GOOD SIGNS POINTING TO CHRIST, and work VERY hard to die without Christ and go to Hell. It is so VERY much harder to fight Christ and His Call to Come to  Him, (to follow The Signs), than it is to simple give up, give in and just come to Christ in Repentance Unto Salvation, which happens at the top of the Ridge, to simply “Be Saved” and Live with Christ for all of Eternity. Death and Destruction awaits everybody, and will be very patient to wait on you. BUT GOD, is calling you to come to Christ to Be Saved, AND to come MUCH DEEPER into Christ, that you too may share Christ with others, just like they did for you. To “Get Saved” is just the start of a VERY long and Joyous relationship with Christ, FOR EVER. Don’t think about this too long, you may talk yourself out of it. Obey the Signs, come to Christ, and Trust the Lord that He has the Most Perfect and Wonder Filled Life you’ve never ever dreamed about. The Holy Spirit will Lead and Guide you every step of the Way, no prior knowledge and understanding required. Just come to Christ and He will clean you up and give you such Peace and Joy, you’ll wonder why you waited so long to, Be Blessed. 

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