Daily Devotional- MORNINGTIME 4631

Daily Devotional. And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou considered My servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil? And the Lord said unto Satan, Behold, (Job) is in thine hand, (you may do all you want to him and all his stuff); BUT SAVE HIS LIFE. Job 1:8 & 2:6. A little refresher here for any Newbies who aren’t familiar with what Satan can, and can’t do. Satan used to be called Lucifer and was the highest ranking angel in Heaven. He got the Big Head and wanted to take God’s place on God’s Throne, and God would have none of that. Lucifer and his followers, 1/3 of the angels of Heaven, were cast down to Earth where he and they use very limited abilities to “steal, kill and destroy” whatever they want. It doesn’t really matter how much “power” Satan seems to have, the important point to remember is, Satan can ONLY do to people ONLY what the Lord God Almighty ALLOWS Satan to do, AND NOTHING MORE. The Lord will use Satan like a puppet on a string to accomplish all that the Lord wants to accomplish in a lost person’s life to ultimately bring that person to the Saving Grace of Christ. Keep in mind, the Lord will bring a person TO Christ, but it is TOTALLY up to that person to WILLINGLY make Christ their Lord and Saviour. At this Choice in life, both Satan AND the Lord stand back as the person decides who he will ultimately follow. Satan is a liar so big, he is called “the father of lies”. No worries, if you make Christ your Lord and Saviour, He brings His Holy Spirit to live inside of you and to teach you all the tricks, traps and evil ways Satan uses to try to discourage people in their Walk with Christ. Important Note here, the Lord Himself will use Satan TO GROW YOU IN CHRIST AND IN CHRISTLIKENESS, all to make you a strong Believer in your Walk and Faith in Christ. We Grow in Christ THROUGH trials, troubles, testing’s and tribulations as the Lord Himself controls Satan, and  we will GREATLY, Be Blessed. 

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