Daily Devotional – MORNINGTIME 1614

Daily Devotional. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, AND SHALL KILL YOU: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake. Matthew 24:9. Is the reality of people hating Christians starting to sink in? Starting to hit closer to home now, more than in the past? America has been fairly well sheltered from problems many other countries deal with every day. As we watch the news, problems with ISIS are slowly moving closer to home. Remember this; ISLAM IS ISIS, AND ISIS IS ISLAM. ISIS is not a radical offshoot of Islam. It is Islam going back to its roots of 1400 years ago. NOW, REMEMBER THIS, Isis can’t move without going through the Throne Room FIRST. God is allowing His Judgment to fall and He’s not going to tolerate man’s inhumanity to man for very long. Yes, He will sift and clean out the dead wood in the church, but The Church, the Body of Christ, will grow stronger and more Christlike as we get closer to the end. Satan is getting angrier as his time draws near. He is here to steal, kill, and destroy, but only for a short time before he is cast into the Lake of Fire. There is no need to fear him, or Isis, or the anti-christ, or anyone else, whether god or man. God has everything under control. Fear is not in His dictionary, and it shouldn’t be in yours either. Decide now, whom you will follow, and stay with it no matter what. Yes, the Bible tells us of these coming calamities, are you scared? THE BIBLE ALSO TELLS US OF OUR SOON COMING KING. Does that remove all fear? No? Right now is a good time to get right with the Lord, in all ways. Build your Faith and Trust now, so you’ll be ready for anything and everything later. Grow In Christ, and CHRISTLIKENESS, and, Be Blessed.

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