Daily Devotional – MORNINGTIME 1617

Daily Devotional. And Jesus answered and said unto them, TAKE HEED THAT NO MAN DECEIVE YOU. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. Matthew 24:4-5. Deception tries to sneak in in many different ways, angles, and intensities. It’s always sneaky and always trying to fly below the radar. As the Word implies, it is something working hard to deceive you, to try to get you to think something differently than what it really is. Deception is all around us, and yes, and to varying degrees, even in churches. There is ONLY one way to be able to discern deception. The Word of God is absolute Truth and deception is partial truth mixed in with lies, to varying degrees. The more you study the Word, the more you will be able to recognize, and discern, deception. Go ahead for a minute, pick any subject you are good at, one you know and understand. If someone comes along and tells you a 1/2 truth, or an outright lie, because you know the Truth, you will quickly recognize the lie and deal with it accordingly. This is what the Lord is commanding us to do, just keep studying His Word, and we’ll be able to recognize a lie very quickly. If you don’t know the Truth, you won’t know the lie. This works in any subject. One important difference, The Word is all about you and eternity. No other book out there can claim that. This is why we have so many different religions. They all have mixes of lies and truth. Of course, yours ifs 99% truth and 1% error. (Really)? The others are 99% error and 1% truth. With varying mixes in between. God’s not fooling around when He says, Study to show thyself approved. YOUR VERY LIFE DEPENDS ON IT. Peter walked with Christ for 3 1/2 years and Satan tried to sift him as wheat. You’re “stronger” than Peter? Yes, Satan is after you, the Truth of Christ is your Defense. Know the Truth, and, Be Blessed.

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