Daily Devotional – MORNINGTIME 1618

Daily Devotional. And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; AND SHALL DECEIVE MANY. Matthew 24:4-5. How important is this verse, this concept of deception? If there were no deception, it would be like the Garden of Eden before the serpent started talking to Eve. We would all know the Truth and all would be Free. I’m not talking about the heart of man, just the concept of everyone knowing all the same Truth, all following God. But, not any longer. Satan has spoken and set deception, lies, errors, and misunderstandings before us to get us, all people on this world, to be sidetracked from The Truth. Walking in the Truth of Christ is like walking the edge of a razor blade. It can be done. It’s hard, but it can be done, Jesus Life here on earth showed us that. To walk anywhere BUT on the edge of that razor blade IS off into deception. Maybe just a little, maybe in great deception. Satan doesn’t care, just fall for deception to keep one from coming TO the Lord, or to move someone AWAY from the Lord, it doesn’t matter. Deception kills and Satan is a master of it. That is, he’s a master of deception to the people of the world, AND to the “lord lord” people. The religious ones in church with no clue and no care for Who Christ is. Those who follow Christ will grow in Christ and grow in Discernment, how to see traps, and how to understand the enemy. Yes, Believers can be fooled, but the Holy Spirit will teach them and they will learn from their mistakes. Anyone who wants to can be a master of Spotting Deception, not falling for it, and they Will, Be Blessed.

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