Daily Devotional – MORNINGTIME 1619

Daily Devotional. And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. FOR MANY SHALL COME IN MY NAME, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. Matthew 24:4-5. There is a deception going on, right now, that is so well entrenched that most people don’t see it, and those that do are immediately labeled as judgmental, critical, and/or holier than thou. Once you are labeled, any credibility you may have had goes out the window. And who is the root cause of this deception? WE ARE, WE ARE DOING THIS TO OURSELVES. We, the 4 walls grassy front yard church. More pointedly, Satan is the root cause of ALL deception and he has used the “lord lord” people to bring this into church. This is the 11th commandment, “Thou shalt not judge”. This is how the churchianity people can justify their own self-righteousness, and discredit a Believer as a heretic, in their own eyes. Being a “christian” now is so easy, anyone can do it, and generally does. BEING A CHRISTIAN IS AND SHOULD BE THE TOUGHEST JOB OUT THERE, PERIOD. The biblical standards that explain exactly what a Christian is and does are very seldom used in the church. “Judge not, lest ye be judged”, and, “You don’t know my heart”, are the 2 phrases the goats, yes, I said the goats, will use to get anyone off their back who would even try to talk to them about their walk with the Lord. In the little c church, there is no self-examination of ones walk with the Lord, and if anyone does question it, they get “the label” and are disqualified from any further judging. Well folks, here’s the Good News, BELIEVES WILL GLADLY EXAMINE, AND BE EXAMINED, BY OTHER BELIEVERS TO INSURE BALANCED GROWTH TOWARDS CHRISTLIKENESS, PERIOD. You MUST be without spot, blemish, or wrinkle when Christ examines you so that you will, Be Blessed.

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Our Morning Devotions