Daily Devotional – MORNINGTIME 1620

Daily Devotional. And Jesus answered and said unto them, TAKE HEED THAT NO MAN DECEIVE YOU. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. Matthew 24:4-5. Let’s look at this from a little different angle. TAKE HEED THAT NO “christian” DECEIVE YOU. I’ll explain. The “church”, the 4 walls grassy front yard place of worship, has a majority of goats and a minority of True Believers in it. Even Jesus said, “And few there be that find it”, Matthew 7:14, as He was talking about the number of people who find and walk in Salvation. Take a poll in your church, you’ll find that 90% or better believe themselves to be Christians. Either they’re wrong, or Christ is wrong, (few there be), but somebody is wrong. No, you can’t see someone’s heart, and that’s ok, you don’t need to. You can look at their fruits, or lack thereof. Sit down and talk to someone for 10 minutes about the Lord and see where they stand, or fall, in their understanding of Who Christ is. And they will also get an understanding of Who you think Christ is. It’s a double-edged sword and it will cut both ways. And just to be fair about it, ask them, (goat or Believer), to examine you in the light of the Word. That will be an eye opener for you both. The time has come for no more, “cutting slack” to someone just because they say they are a christian. Can they prove it? Can you prove it? Can you Prove Christ in you, or does Christ need to reprove you? Go for it, ask questions, you both will be the better for it. Always, always, always, minister Christ when you talk to ANYONE about the Lord. Don’t crush them or their faith. The Holy Spirit is working on them and they are a work in progress. Aren’t we all? It’s all about Fellowship, not condemnation. Lift up Christ. If they lift Him up too, good, if they don’t, good, pray for them either way, and you both will, Be Blessed.

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