Daily Devotional – MORNINGTIME 1622

Daily Devotional. For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit (do mind) the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is Life and Peace. Romans 8:5-6. This is a great example of Mercy and Grace, free choice to live how you want, and obey The Law or not. The Law of the flesh leads to Death, the Law of the Spirit leads to life. The question is, which one are you after? Notice it says nothing about, if you call yourself a christian or not. That doesn’t even enter into the mix. Say what you want, tell others what you want them to believe about you and your walk with the Lord, it all means nothing. DO YOU FOLLOW THE FLESH, OR THE SPIRIT??? When you become a Christian, Christ will change you to more and more seek the things of the Spirit. That starts the minute you are Saved, and continues to grow. If you are not one of Christ’s, you will continue to seek the things of the flesh unto death and no words, (I’m a christian), will change that. EVERYONE starts off as a dead man walking, only Christ, a Work of the Holy Spirit, can give you LIFE in Christ. Look at your thoughts for a 24 hour time period. How much time do you spend looking for fleshly satisfaction, and how much time do you spend seeking for, digging out, and obeying, the Things of the Spirit? If Christ isn’t your First, and All in All, you might want to look at just Who Christ is to you. There is no #2 or #3 in His place. He’s your First, or He’s your nobody. Yes, your Love and Trust for Christ will grow, BUT THERE IS A DISCERNABLE CHANGE FROM THE START. You’re still alive, there’s still time, right now, to get Right with God. “Later” is too late. Did someone tell you you were promised TOMORROW? It may never come…. Too late is too late, and Regrets will last Forever. Look to Christ and the Things of the Spirit, and, Be Blessed.

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