Daily Devotional – MORNINGTIME 1626

Daily Devotional. And he caused his children to pass through the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom: also he OBSERVED TIMES, and used ENCHANTMENTS, and used WITCHCRAFT, and dealt with a FAMILIAR SPIRIT, and with WIZARDS: he wrought MUCH EVIL in the sight of the Lord, to provoke him to anger. 2 Chronicles 33:6. God, Who loves us very much, is calling out to us people to just acknowledge Him and receive His free Gift of Salvation and enter into Life Eternal. Yet in our anger and hatred of this, God, who wants to control our lives and take away all the fun things of life, we will turn to anything and everything else, just to stay away from Him. We look to ANYTHING but God and see all kinds of distractions to keep us busy with everything BUT God. And the enemy, Satan, is right there offering anyone anything to keep their eyes turned anywhere but on Christ. What people don’t see in all the glitz and glitter is the hook that will catch them and drag them straight into Hell. The distractions are endless, anything you can dream of will be handed to you on a 6 carat gold platter with many visuals pleasing to the eye. Just don’t think about what you’re doing and the reality of the hook will evade you. The Reality of enjoying all this stuff is that after a while, all the emptiness and false promises start to come through the haze as Reality starts to also creep in. Now Satan has to work that much harder to try to keep you in the fog of deception and disillusionment. All you need to do is cry out, “Oh God, where the Hell am I, how do I get out of this trap”? (I chose my words carefully). Christ WILL clear the fog away and show you where you are in Sin and call you out of it. When you see where you were, you’ll run to your Savior and never look back. Christ is calling you Now, run to Him, and, Be Blessed.

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