Daily Devotional – MORNINGTIME 1627

Daily Devotional. And I will render unto Babylon and to all the inhabitants of Chaldea all their evil that they have done in Zion (Israel), in your sight, saith the Lord. Jeremiah 51:24. A little verse with a lot of story to it. Israel had sinned greatly and the Lord called for Babylon and the Chaldeans to capture Israel and take them away to Babylon for years to teach Israel a lesson. Time passed, lesson learned, Israel goes back home. Remember, the Lord allowed Babylon to capture Israel. Now comes Justice. Because Babylon mistreated the Jews, the Lord will bring just as much evil upon Babylon, as Babylon mistreated the Jews. Go figure, the Lord punished the Jews through Babylon, then punished Babylon for punishing the Jews. The point of all this? If you do someone dirty, you will reap the same or worse back on you from the Lord. The Lord does not forget. He will avenge and revenge IN HIS TIME. Don’t EVER think you’ve gotten away with something, no one will find out, you’ve gotten away with “the perfect crime”. (Consider this, you have abused, misused, and cursed HIS SON). If you do a crime, you WILL pay for it. Are you going to end up Guilty of rejecting His Son? For that, you go to Hell, FOREVER. Now the Good News. The Son you cursed, has gone to the Father and paid the Price to keep you out of Hell. You’re a Free man, IF, you accept His Payment on your behalf, see and understand the Crimes you’ve committed against the Son, and choose to model your life after The Son’s Life because, HE MADE YOU A FREE MAN, and you’ll love anyone who’ll give you a “get out of jail free” card. VENGEANCE IS MINE, SAYS THE LORD, or, Bless them Father, they are Mine and are Followers of Me. The choice is yours, time is running out. Choose wisely, and, Be Blessed.

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