Daily Devotional – MORNINGTIME 1628

Daily Devotional. Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, VENGEANCE IS MINE; I WILL REPAY, saith the Lord. Romans 12:19. God’s a God of Love, remember? He won’t throw me into Hell for telling a little white lie. He won’t condemn me for stealing from my boss, I earned that stuff, and I’m just collecting my fair wages. Surely He won’t throw me into Hell, it was an accident when the gun went off, I only meant to scare him when I caught him with my wife, DON’T THROW YOUR GUILT STUFF ON ME, MARRIAGE IS OF THE LORD AND WE (2 guys) ARE LEGALLY MARRIED, JUST LIKE THE BIBLE SAYS TO. You’re right, you’re right, none of you will go to Hell for any of these things. Actually you can do just about anything you want to with no fear of Hell. Even Hitler killing 6,000,000 Jews wasn’t bad enough to get him thrown into Hell. Nothing will get you thrown into Hell….. (except) ……. rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. On Judgment Day, the Lord is going to ask you only one Question, “What did you do with my Son, Jesus, The Christ”? After a Most Gracious, Kind, and Merciful God shows you all the hundreds of times, ways, and places He called you to Himself, to encourage you to Follow His Son and to be like His Son, to show you a small taste of heaven and a small taste of Hell here and now, called Life, AND YOU CONTINUALLY BLEW HIM OFF, LAUGHED AT JESUS JOKES, AND TOLD HIM TO GET OUT OF YOUR LIFE, only then will He turn to you, look you in the face with eyes blazing with a fiery fierce anger, and pronounce to all heaven and earth, “DEPART FROM ME YOU CURSED FOR I NEVER KNEW YOU. YOUR CRIME OF REJECTING MY SON IS UNFORGIVABLE. At that point the angels drag you to the edge of the Lake of Fire, and cast you in. I have just told you your future. Change it, Repent, Be Saved, Be Blessed.

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