Daily Devotional – MORNINGTIME 1629

Daily Devotional. Because that, WHEN THEY KNEW GOD, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. And even as THEY DID NOT LIKE TO RETAIN GOD IN THEIR KNOWLEDGE, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Romans 1:21, 28. It’s a hard thing to think about worldly people who don’t know God and are going to die and go to Hell. SORRY, WRONG ANSWER, there is no such person on the earth, who will claim on Judgment Day that they didn’t know God. Romans chapter 1 is all about telling us all that EVERYONE on the planet knows enough about God to be able to stand before Him and be justly sent to heaven, or Hell. No one will have an excuse. And to add insult to injury, the people written about here in verses 21 & 28, among many others, USED TO BE “christians” in the church, AND TURNED AWAY, THEY TURNED THEIR BACKS ON GOD!!! Don’t worry, they never were Gods in the first place. We call them the “Lord Lord” people, as in, DEPART FROM ME YOU CURSED FOR I NEVER KNEW YOU. There are all kinds of people with all kinds of sins, big and small, lite and easy and big time serious. NO THERE ISN’T. It’s all a smoke screen to try to get us to compare ourselves to each other and decide there are sinners out there a whole lot worse than me!!! The Distraction is we decide our sin factor by looking at each other, AND TOTALLY MISS LOOKING AT OUR OWN SIN, LOOK AT CHRIST, AND THEN DECIDE OUR “SIN FACTOR”. One look at Him and we can’t crawl under the carpet deep enough. Change, now. Look at your sin, then look at Christ, and crawl up in His Lap and ask for Forgiveness. Follow HIM, and, Be Blessed.

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