Daily Devotional- MORNINGTIME 4066

Daily Devotional. AND THE PEACE OF GOD, which passeth all understanding, SHALL KEEP YOUr hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7. Be careful (anxious) for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication WITH THANKSGIVING let your requests be made known UNTO GOD. Philippians 4:6. (Don’t be anxious about anything). OBEY them that have THE RULE OVER YOU, and submit yourselves:.. Hebrews 13:17. Let no man despise thy youth; but BE thou AN EXAMPLE of the Believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, IN PURITY. 1 Timothy 4:12. Last time, we jumped pretty hard on automobile speeding and what the Lord thinks of it, and how it could affect you. That’s just one question that very quickly could go down that rabbit hole of legalism, and we’re not doing that. If you do a little self-examination here, let’s look at this from the direction of Heart Attitude and what the Lord may be saying to you. Do you have a Heart for, and a Desire to, Grow in CHRISTLIKENESS? Is crushing and casting aside any and all shapes of worldliness a part of your agenda? Have you asked the Lord AND your closest friends if they see any remanences of worldliness still hanging around in your Life? The Lord is very good at finding your sins and bringing them to your attention to be dealt with, forgiven, and continuing on Growing in CHRISTLIKENESS. Don’t bother looking around to see if anyone’s throwing stones at you, we all have things we’re dealing with, AND THEY WILL ALL BE DEALT WITH BY THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY HIMSELF, one-on-one, all by yourself, just you and Him. Need to talk to a friend? That the Joy of Believers Fellowshipping together, one can see another’s problems that one may miss on their own. A Heart’s Cry to the Lord is where these things WILL get worked out. And He is so full of Mercy and Grace towards you and your problems. Trust the Lord and ask Him to show you your innermost sins. Allow Him to deal with what He brings before you, Obey Him, and GREATLY, Be Blessed. 

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