Daily Devotional- MORNINGTIME 4067

Daily Devotional. For the Word of God is Quick, and Powerful, and Sharper than any twoedged sword, Piercing even to the Dividing Asunder of Soul and Spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a Discerner of the thoughts and intents of the Heart. Hebrews 4:12. An example of this verse in simple terms. You’ve been presented with a big, beautiful T bone steak cooked perfectly to your liking. You can choose ANY knife in all the world for you to perfectly cut off every single tasty piece of meat and leave only the bone. But you must cut off EVERY, even the tiniest, piece of meat and leave NOTHING but the bone. There is no time limit here, take all the time you need, PERFECTLY, PRECISELY AND EXACTLY SEPARATED. PERFECTLY. Get the picture? The Holy Spirit can tell the difference in those thoughts Satan TRIES to put in your head, (and you Reject them in Jesus Name) and the thoughts you like to dwell on, think about and ponder over. Again, the Holy Spirit can separate the “worldly” side of you still trying to draw you back into the things of the world, (death and destruction), and that side which is of Purity, Righteousness and Holiness, (Life Eternal), AND NOT LEAVE EVEN ONE TINY SLIVER OF ONE IN THE OTHER. Nothing Holy gets thrown out with the worldly, and nothing worldly comes into the Holy. As you Grow in Christ, the Holy Spirit will separate and cast aside your old worldly ways and replace them with Godliness, Holiness, Righteousness and Purity like you’ve never seen before. If you have a Heart’s Cry for CHRISTLIKENESS, and will follow the Leading of the Holy Spirit, He will Guide you into the very Heart of Christ with a Fellowship few have experienced. All this is available to ANYONE will to Grow in Christ. The Father has Determined, the Son has Paid For, and the Holy Spirit brings it to pass, PERFECTLY removing the rot and filth, and bringing in those attributes of Christ. Simply Trust the Lord and Obey as He Directs your steps straight into the Heavenly’s, where you will, Be Blessed. 

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