Daily Devotional- MORNINGTIME 4407

Daily Devotional. THE HEART IS DECEITFUL above all things, AND DESPERATELY WICKED: who can know it? I THE LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to GIVE EVERY MAN according to HIS (HEART’S CRY) WAYS, AND according to the fruit of his DOINGS. Jeremiah 17:9-10. The Lord offers Repentance unto Salvation to every man, woman and child on planet Earth. No one will have ANY excuse for Rejecting Christ when they face Him on Judgment Day. BUT GOD, in His most Merciful Mercy and Grace Knows by name every man woman and child who have even the smallest of Faith to Grow unto Salvation through Christ. Of all those who have, are, or will, come to Christ in Repentance unto Salvation, He will Receive you unto Himself to be with Him for ALL of Eternity, and absolutely NO ONE will be turned away. All this because you had even a grain of mustard seed Faith of Hope in your Heart to answer Christ’s call for Salvation, which is a free Gift that you can do nothing to earn, help with or Pay For. All you can do with a Gift is RECEIVE IT, as Christ offers It to you. JUST AS YOU ARE, do nothing but say, “Thank You Lord for the Gift of Salvation”, as you turn from your sins (with His Help) and Joyfully Follow Him all the rest of the days of your Life here on Earth, AND ON INTO HEAVEN. It is so much easier to say “Yes Lord” and Follow Him, than it is to have a Heart full of hate and fight Christ all the way to your death bed. He’ll give you the Gift of Life FREELY, but you’ll have to fight Him tooth and nail to Reject His Gift of Salvation. It’s very tiring to fight Christ, just give up, give in and Receive Him as your Lord and Saviour. The Lord can See even the tiniest Heart’s Cry for Christ, and He will answer with every angel it takes to help Grow you in Christ. He will not lose even one of His sheep, and He will Hear EVERY cry for help to come to Christ, and answer these call. What’s your Heart Attitude towards Christ? He will give you whatever you need to Walk with Him above situations to, Be Blessed. 

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