Daily Devotional- MORNINGTIME 4408

Daily Devotional. Wherefore, O king, (Nebuchadnezzar) let my (Daniel) counsel be acceptable unto thee, and break off thy sins by Righteousness, and thine iniquities by Shewing Mercy To The Poor; IF IT MAY BE A LENGTHENING OF THY TRANQUILITY. (OF YOUR DAYS OF PEACE) Daniel 4:27. It had already been Prophesied the king was going to lose his sanity for 7 years and eat grass for food, just like the oxen. Here Daniel is telling the king that this already determined time of insanity could be delayed, IF the king would show Mercy towards the poor and allow Righteousness to be in his Reign as king. And the king did heed Daniel’s admonition of Mercy and Righteousness and had an extra year of sanity before his Pride took over and he went insane for 7 years. Whether you call this the kings Obedience to the Lord, or his politics, it doesn’t matter, the king obeyed. These days, we know for a fact that the 7 years of “Tribulation” ARE COMING, and that can’t be changed. BUT THEY CAN BE DELAYED. I’ll illustrate a POSSIBLE way this may already have happened. President Obama had America on a downhill slide. MAYBE President Trump gave us a 4 year delay when he Obediently moved the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in Israel. This is not about politics, but Obedience to the Lord. A “lost” president can make a Righteous Move, and it be good for the country. America, do you want to push back the coming Time of Tribulation a little? REPENT, PREACH THE WORD, SPREAD THE GOSPEL, GIVE MERCY TO THE POOR AND UNBORN, and the Lord will show us His Favor, even for a short season. (Illustration) “Our Future is in our hands”, to delay the inevitable. The Lord already knows what we’ll do, but we still have to live it out. America won’t? OK, YOU, reader, will you give MORE Mercy and Righteousness to those around you, that the Lord MAY extend YOUR days, even a little? Righteous goes a long way with the Lord. Don’t give up because our government won’t, REJOICE, BECAUSE YOU STILL CAN, and you, Be Blessed. 

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