Daily Devotional- MORNINGTIME 4410

Daily Devotional. Wherefore, O king, (Nebuchadnezzar) let my (Daniel) counsel be acceptable unto thee, and break off thy sins by Righteousness, and thine iniquities by Shewing Mercy To The Poor; IF IT MAY BE A LENGTHENING OF THY TRANQUILITY. (OF YOUR DAYS OF PEACE) Daniel 4:27. Today will be a different take on the words, “lengthening of thy tranquility”. I will write this story the best I remember it. Years ago David Wilkerson’s 12 year old granddaughter was diagnosed with cancer, and that cancer was going to soon end her life. He asked the Lord why He would call Home so soon such a beautiful young Christian, and the Lord answered, “Because of the things in her future that would be soon coming against her”. It would be the Lord’s Mercy and Grace to take her Home now, instead of the greater Anguish and Problems coming in her near future against her. Apparently the Pain and Anguish of having a Believing family member called Home now would be much less than the greater Pain and Anguish of them, and the family, deal with future events of a much worse nature. This “Call Home now” would come under the heading of Absolute Mercy and Grace of the Lord, even though at the time it would seem like a cruel way to deal with the family. Personally, in my own family, within 2 months, my wife went from looking reasonably healthy, to Home with Jesus, ALL IN THE GREAT MERCY AND GRACE OF THE LORD. It was, is still, hard to deal with, but even by her own request to the Lord, she didn’t want to be in a hospital bed suffering with cancer, and the associated daily diarrhea and not being able to keep food down, problems. Her now Peace and Joy is Solid, and ours, family, is also Solid. The Lord is well able to bring His Peace and Joy into people’s lives in ways even better than the way we might think He should. If we can Trust Him to work things out with His Perfection, we can Rejoice in His Peace and Joy that this is His Best, even in our “worst” days. In that, our Faith in Him will greatly, Be Blessed. 

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