Daily Devotional- MORNINGTIME 4411

Daily Devotional. Put on the Whole Armour of God, THAT YE MAY BE ABLE TO STAND against the Wiles of the Devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against Principalities, against Powers, against the Rulers Of The Darkness of this World, against Spiritual Wickedness in High Places. Wherefore take unto you the Whole Armour of God, THAT YE MAY BE ABLE TO WITHSTAND IN THE EVIL DAY, AND HAVING DONE ALL, TO STAND. Ephesians 6:11-13. We Believers really have no reason, no excuse to fail when it comes to our Obedience to the Lord. From brand new baby Believers, to the well seasoned Saints of Old, we each have a level of Obedience the Lord has set that we ARE able to attain to, if we choose to. The Lord will only Require of us that which He has given us the Faith and Ability to handle. He’s given to us all the written instructions, with His Wisdom and Understandings, that we DO know what He wants, we just have to decide what we will choose to Obey, or not. The Holy Spirit will give us all the “Promptings” we need, to KNOW what He’s asking us to do. Will we DO what He wants? Do we WILL what He wants? No misprint here, do we WILL to do what He wants? This usually gets the answer, “No, but we’re only human”. Stop your answer with the word, “but”, that’s only offering an excuse. In Christ, WE HAVE NO EXCUSES TO SIN. Now the GOoD News, no excuses, but MAJOR Mercy and Grace. Simply Repent of your disobedience, ask the Lord to change the error of your ways to Obedience to HIS Ways, learn from your sins the tactics of the enemy, AND KEEP MOVING ON IN CHRIST. Don’t wallow in the sin, Rejoice in Forgiveness, AND KEEP GOING. There’s a learning curve here and almost no one gets it right the first time. Christ did, and He’s our Example to Follow. So when you fall, GET BACK UP, brush yourself off, and go at it again. When you look back on your mistakes, they will become less and less as your Obedience’s become more and more. That’s Growing in CHRISTLIKENESS, and you will Greatly, Be Blessed. 

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