Daily Devotional- MORNINGTIME 4579

Daily Devotional. But let all those that put their Trust in Thee Rejoice: let them ever Shout For Joy, because Thou Defendest them: let them also that Love Thy Name Be Joyful in Thee. For Thou, LORD, WILT BLESS THE RIGHTEOUS; WITH FAVOR WILT THOU COMPASS HIM as with a Shield. Psalm 5:11-12. The Eyes of the LORD are upon the Righteous, and His Ears are open unto their cry. The Righteous cry, and the LORD Heareth, and Delivereth them out of ALL their troubles. The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and Saveth such as be of a Contrite Spirit. MANY are the afflictions of the Righteous: but the LORD Delivereth him out of them ALL. Psalm 34:15,17-19. An ILLUSTRATION of looking at this as a Spiritual Battle. Imagine you’re walking along the mountain Ridge on a well worn narrow path going through the jungle. As long as you stayed EXACTLY on that path, you walked in 100% Safety with no harm to come to you. If you veered a little off the Path you would run into some difficulties. If you strayed MORE off the Path, you would run into greater difficulties. The farther you were away from The Path, the greater and more severe the difficulties. Those the farthest from The Path would always, eventually, be killed, BECAUSE THEY CHOSE TO PURPOSELY IGNORE ALL THE SIGNS SAYING, “Go this way to The Path of Ultimate Safety”. Those who do follow The Signs to Safety will ALWAYS reach the Path of Safety at the top of the ridge. The Jungle, (the world) will do its best to kill you. The Signs, (Godly DNA and the Holy Spirit) WILL lead you to the Safety of Christ as you Obey and follow the Signs ALL THE WAY to Christ. (No “half way and quit-ers” will make it). The Jungle and its Rules were there long before you showed up, so you WILL play by its rules AND DIE, unless you choose to follow The Signs leading straight into the Loving Merciful Arms of Christ on The Path at the top of The Ridge. ALL men start in the darkest, most dangerous depths of the Jungle, to surely Die, and to NEVER, Be Blessed. 

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