Daily Devotional- MORNINGTIME 4582

Daily Devotional. Howl ye; for the Day of the LORD IS AT HAND; it shall come as a destruction from The Almighty. Behold, the Day of the LORD cometh, cruel BOTH WITH WRATH AND FIERCE ANGER, to lay the land desolate: and He shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it. AND I WILL PUNISH THE WORLD(LY) FOR THEIR EVIL, AND THE WICKED FOR THEIR INIQUITY; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible. Isaiah 13:6,9,11. Then the earth shook and trembled; the foundations also of the hills moved and were shaken, because He was wroth (angry). In my distress I CALLED UPON THE LORD, and cried unto my God: HE HEARD MY VOICE out of His Temple, and my cry came before Him, EVEN INTO HIS EARS. Psalm 18:7&6. Let’s separate two trains of thought here. First, Judgment and Godly Wrath are coming against the World of worldly sinners full of Pride and Haughtiness. The Lord will sweep across the landscape destroying these sinners WHO HAVE ALREADY HAD MANY, MULTIPLE OPPORTUNITIES TO ANSWER THE CALL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT AND COME TO CHRIST IN REPENTANCE UNTO SALVATION.  “For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind”: Hosea 8:7. The second group are the Believers following the Leading of the Holy Spirit in Joyful Obedience going forth and Peacefully doing all He asks, EVEN TO THE POINT OF MARTYRDOM, with no Fear or Trepidation. THIS SECOND GROUP WILL NEVER SUFFER THE HOLY ANGER AND VIOLENT WRATH OF THE LORD AGAINST THEM. So the big question comes up, How does one group suffer and the other group is Blessed when the whole world is being Judged? The question is wrong, it implies that 100%of the world’s surface will be under God’s Anger and Wrath. NO, the whole “world” OF WORLDLY SINNERS, are being dealt with while the “world” of Obedient Believers are still going out into the “world” of sinners Preaching and Teaching Christ, ALL THE WAY TO MARTYRDOM, WITH NO FEAR. How will these two groups be Separated? Just like Moses, who will, Be Blessed. 

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