Daily Devotional- MORNINGTIME 4591

Daily Devotional. And not only so, BUT WE GLORY IN TRIBULATIONS ALSO: knowing that Tribulation worketh Patience; And Patience, Experience; and Experience, Hope: And Hope maketh Not Ashamed; because the Love of God is shed abroad IN OUR HEARTS by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. Romans 5:3-5. During our many discussions about the Things of the Lord, His Attributes and His Love for His people, I pray we can come to the conclusion that the Lord has nothing but GOoD thoughts towards us, the Believers. Yes, when we mess up, He will Forgive us and Correct us, but for this discussion let’s put them under the heading of Life with situations and circumstances. ABOVE all that, in the Praise and Honour realm, is an Understanding that EVERYTHING that goes through the Throne Room to each one of us, IS PURELY AND TOTALLY FOR OUR GOOD AND TO GROW US IN CHRIST. IF, this is True, and IF, you can agree with this, (here’s my question), then wouldn’t it be a good thing to RUN to Christ and the Throne Room and ask the Lord for EVERYTHING He has in store for us today. Not “sit around” and wait to see what the Lord unfolds throughout the day, but to run to Him, even at the start of the day, and ask Him for everything He has for us with a fervent Desire to Grow in Christ and to Praise Him, no matter what He brings into the day? Question 2, can you ask Him for all these things KNOWING that these may include Trials, Troubles, Testing’s, Tribulations, Chastenings, Chastisements AND Corrections THAT ALSO ARE COMING THROUGH THE THRONE ROOM TOO??? Can you Trust the Lord to do ALL that will be good for you, even if it hurts your flesh, self and Old Man nature? This is a “Big One”, to run to Christ and ask for EVERYTHING He has for you, WITH A PEACE AND JOY THAT MAKES NO SENSE EVEN WHILE YOU’RE “GOING THROUGH IT”. This is definitely one to take to the Lord and ask Him if any of this is True, and if so, does He want to apply any of this into your Life. It’s definitely a “Game Changer” for you to, Be Blessed. 

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