Daily Devotional- MORNINGTIME 4609

Daily Devotional. And Nehemiah, which is the Tirshatha, (a Persian deputy or governor), and Ezra the Priest, the scribe, and the Levites that taught the people, said unto all the people, This day is Holy unto the LORD your God; mourn not, nor weep. For all the people wept, WHEN THEY HEARD THE WORDS OF THE LAW. Nehemiah 8:9. To continue on with our discussion, most of the sermons talking about The Law, present The Law as cold and indifferent to the law breaker and that you WILL pay the price whenever you do break It. THE LAW WILL BE SATISFIED. Yes, that’s True, but that’s only half the story. If the Law says the speed limit is 55 MPH, and you go over that, you have broken The Law and you will pay the price. This is all AFTER the fact. But before “the Fact” when you go on the highway you were going less than 55MPH and all was well. The Law Encouraged EVERYONE to have a great day driving 55mph or less, enjoy the scenery and Fellowship together in your car as all those around you were safely doing the same thing. ALL ON THE WAY WERE SAFELY GOING THE SAME AS THEY ALL HEADED FOR THEIR VARIOUS DESTINATIONS. No one was worried about being “run over” by a big truck and the big trucks didn’t need to worry about little cars “brake checking” them. Everyone was happy living under the Protections offered by the Law. There is “safety in numbers” and the Law Encouraged the numbers to drive safe. When someone (a speeder) broke the Law, a person AUTHORIZED (Highway Patrol) to also break the Law to catch and stop the speeder would do so, and send him before the Judge to Pay The Fine. Law abiding drivers would gladly move over to help the HP “go get their man”. The Law is working to EVERYONE’S benefit. But when EVERYONE is driving 80 mph in a 55 mph zone, BECAUSE EVERYONE ELSE IS DOING IT, (driving around Atlanta?), now you have LAWLESSNESS, and it’s every man for himself, every man becomes a law unto themselves and even “the righteous” say, “OK, speeding, just this once”. And all will NOT, Be Blessed. 

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