Daily Devotional- MORNINGTIME 4610

Daily Devotional. And Nehemiah, which is the Tirshatha, (a Persian deputy or governor), and Ezra the Priest, the scribe, and the Levites that taught the people, said unto all the people, This day is Holy unto the LORD your God; mourn not, nor weep. For all the people wept, WHEN THEY HEARD THE WORDS OF THE LAW. Nehemiah 8:9. (Still continuing our discussion of “Driving around Atlanta”). Now it’s your turn to be the Judge and decide what is Righteousness and what is Lawlessness. (Maybe there’s a Heart Attitude here)? The speed limit says 55 mph. EVERYONE is going 80 mph, BECAUSE EVERYONE IS GOING 80 MPH. The lawless say, I won’t get caught, there are too many of us to catch. The “righteous” say, I want to go 55 mph, BUT I’LL GET RUN OVER AND KILLED IF I DO, so I’ll go along with everyone else just to get through this place I’m in, until it’s safe to obey the Law, again. But the Pure in Heart say, No matter what, I stand with God and His Law, even if it kills me. God is my Safety and my Refuge and I WILL Trust in Him and His Keeping Power NO MATTER WHAT. Any harm to me and mine has to go through the Throne Room first, THE WILL OF THE LORD BE DONE. (Hard question). Do you follow the Lost, or do you Follow the Lord, AND REST IN HIM IN ALL THINGS? And if it’s not Atlanta, it’ll be something at work, or something with family, or something the Lord sets up or allows to Test you, TO SHOW YOU WHERE YOU STAND, on Holiness, Righteousness and Purity in your Life before the Lord, AND THE WORLD. Only you can answer these questions from your own Heart Attitude, because the Lord will “push” you to decide where you will “make a stand”. Is Christ in you worldly enough for you to “break the Law” and not really bother you? Or is this whole scenario twisted and not even touching on reality? On a scale of 0 to 100, where do you stand on Holiness and where do you stand on willful Lawlessness? Do you fear man more than you Fear God? Or is it the other way around? Examine yourself, and Eternally, Be Blessed. 

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