Daily Devotional- MORNINGTIME 4611

Daily Devotional. SANCTIFY YOURSELVES therefore, AND BE YE HOLY: for I am the LORD your God. And ye shall keep My Statutes, and do them: I am the LORD which sanctify you. AND YE SHALL BE HOLY UNTO ME: for I the LORD Am Holy, and have severed you from other people, THAT YE SHOULD BE MINE. Leviticus 20:7-8,26. If we hold up the Lord’s Holiness over our daily lives, we’ll all look like garbage. And the Law says we should die. (Illustration here). It’s a bad Heart Attitude to willingly break The Law. BUT IF, we run to the Lord in Repentance and Contrition AND WE ASK THE LORD TO HOLD UP HIS LAW NEXT TO US THAT WE MAY SEE OUR FAULTS, AND ASK THE LORD TO CLEANS US FROM LAWLESSNESS AND DISOBEDIENCE, then that shows a person working to attain a Heart Attitude Pure and Holy before the Lord. It’s a tough day when the Lord shows a sinner The Law for that person to understand why the Lord is about to “take him out”. It’s a tough AND GOoD Day when you ask the Lord to show you The Law that you may change your ways from Lawlessness to Holiness. This is all part of getting a New Heart Tender towards the Things of the Lord. Let the world speed past you as you reach out to grab the hand of anyone looking for Truth, and you share Christ with them. It’s the Holy Spirit alone Who Saves, but He’ll use us to share our Testimony to show them the Mercy and Grace of the Lord. Yes, to Grow in Holiness is very hard, but it goes Hand in hand with the Lord giving us a New Heart. To Grow in Christ in today’s adverse conditions IS A TESTIMONY TO ALL THE WORLD OF THE MERCY AND GRACE OF THE LORD, and His Keeping Power, in spite of Satan doing his best to distract, and sidetrack all who are the Lord’s. Want some “fun”? Ask the Lord to show you one Thing in your Life today, that He wants to change from “lawless”, to Holiness. And when He’s done, ASK HIM TO DO IT AGAIN ON THE NEXT THING ON HIS “LIST”. You’ll have a Testimony like no one else’s on the Earth. Holiness, Righteousness and Purity, what a Way to, Be Blessed. 

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