Daily Devotional- MORNINGTIME 4617

Daily Devotional. Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO HIM THAT BELIEVETH (that all things are possible). And straightway the father of the child cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; HELP THOU MINE UNBELIEF.  Jesus … saying unto him, Thou dumb and deaf spirit, I charge thee, come out of him, and enter no more into him. And the spirit… came out of him:… And His disciples asked Him privately, Why could not we cast him out? And He said unto them, THIS KIND CAN COME FORTH BY NOTHING, BUT BY PRAYER AND FASTING. Mark 9:23-26, 28-29. In this situation, the father Believed with all his heart that his child could be healed, but just in case his Faith still wasn’t enough, he asked the Lord to build his Faith to be enough to Fully Believe Christ could heal his son. And Jesus did all these things. So why would God make it so that some demons could ONLY come out by Prayer & Fasting? To show each one of us Believers our own Heart and our commitment, our interest, our Desire, to be about the Things of the Lord. I’ll explain. It can be quick, cheap and easy to tell others, “Sure, I’ll Pray for (their Prayer Request)”, and quickly forget about it, or say a one line prayer, or even mention the Prayer Request during “Any Prayer Requests?” time, and THEN forget about it. (I believe we’ve all been there at some point in time). OR, we can make Prayer a serious part of our day, (as only you and the Lord will determine), and just to be sure flesh is held in check, add Fasting WITH Prayer as YOU determine how seriously YOU want to see Healing, Deliverance, and your Prayers Answered. YES, PRAYER AND FASTING IS HARD WORK, IT TAKES COMMITMENT, IT’S UNCOMFORTABLE AND YOUR FLESH WILL CRY OUT. It’s been said, “Your desire for ANSWERED Prayer is equal to your Prayer (and Fasting) time”. The time we spend in Prayer is totally up to each one of us. NO ONE ELSE gets to tell you how much time YOU need to Pray. It’s YOUR commitment to Prayer for them to, Be Blessed. 

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