Daily Devotional- MORNINGTIME 4620

Daily Devotional. Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO HIM THAT BELIEVETH. And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but BY PRAYER AND FASTING. Mark 9:23,29. (Warning, this may be getting near the edge of Faith in Prayer & Fasting. Something to consider)? Is this an idea or concept that may be worth considering, maybe worth Believing, possibly adding to the Faith Arsenal? The world seems to be going to Hell in a hand basket and is doing it’s best to take the church with it. Or at the least, take away as many “marginal” christians that it can. If we really are getting close to the Ezekiel 38 & 39 war in Israel, and even nearer to the “7 year Tribulation”, wouldn’t this be a very GOoD time to have Believers harden their Defenses in preparation for whatever is coming, whenever it does come? “If thou canst Believe, ALL THINGS are possible to him that believeth…. BY PRAYER AND FASTING”, can this be a Gold Standard for us to rise up to a new level of Faith? (I’m not trying to change or rewrite Scripture, just wondering if this is a little Golden Nugget of Truth, you decide). Are your recent battles preparing you for bigger battles in the near future? As you Grow in Christ with Wisdom and Understanding, are you finding areas the Lord wants to build up and Strengthen like never before? Along with the Bread of Life, (Christ), and the Living Water, (to cleanse the church by His Word), (Eph. 5:26), is Prayer & Fasting a Major Weapon in the Christians Arsenal of Defense AND Attack Weaponry working Hand in hand with the Whole Armour of God? Prayer & Fasting is HARD, to start, but it does get easier as fleshly desires get ground down and CHRISTLIKENESS takes over. Yes, we’ll always need to deal with flesh, but it does get easier as it becomes a servant of low esteem, instead of master wreaking havoc in your life. It just seems that Prayer & Fasting could (should?) be Taught and Believed in a greater magnitude then ever before, to, Be Blessed. 

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