Daily Devotional- MORNINGTIME 4621

Daily Devotional. Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE TO HIM THAT BELIEVETH. And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but BY PRAYER AND FASTING. Mark 9:23,29. Still following our previous discussions, I am NOT trying to say that all who practice Prayer & Fasting are like the Green Beret in the spiritual world. That wouldn’t be right, it leaves all the “regular” Believers feeling like lower class people. Nope, can’t have that. I’ll put it this way, if Prayer & Fasting itself is a “Green Beret quality”, then ANY Believer, no matter who they are and what kind of Life the Lord is leading them along, can be basic and soft spoken in Meekness, or as loud and boisterous as some Hell Fire animated Preachers get, AND CAN ADD THE GREEN BERET QUALITY OF PRAYER AND FASTING INTO THEIR LIFE AND BE JUST AS BLESSED AS ANYONE. Prayer & Fasting is not a level of Faith that few attain to, no, it’s a level of Faith and Obedience ANYONE AND EVERYONE can ADD into their Life of Growing in CHRISTLIKENESS. As you Walk with Christ and learn His Attributes, Prayer & Fasting is an “add on” to your Life, NOT the “Peak Life of an above everyone else” Christian. The Body of Christ is made up of many parts and ALL are important. As “the Body” Grows and corporately adds Prayer & Fasting into its activities, EVERYONE benefits. To ALL Believers; the more Prayer & Fasting you add into your Life, the more it will help ALL the Body, and the Stronger in, with and through Christ the whole Body will grow. So Grow where you’re planted and Plant the Gospel Seeds of Christ all around you. Work in the Fields White unto Harvest, Teach and Preach Christ wherever you can, as often as you can, Grow in Faith and add Prayer & Fasting in whatever way and amount you and the Lord decide. The “Gift” of Prayer & Fasting is a Seed available to all, plant it and water it and see what kind of Increase the Lord allows into your Life, and you and all those around you will Greatly, Be Blessed. 

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Our Morning Devotions