Daily Devotional- MORNINGTIME 4630

Daily Devotional. So will I make My HOLY Name Known in the midst of My People Israel; and I will not let them pollute My Holy Name any more: AND THE HEATHEN SHALL KNOW THAT I AM THE LORD, THE HOLY ONE IN ISRAEL. Ezekiel 39:7. Common sense says that after Satan’s defeat with Job, and his upcoming defeat again the Jews in the Ezekiel 38 & 39 War, that maybe Satan would learn his lesson that it just doesn’t pay to fight against the Lord. NEWS FLASH; Satan will NEVER learn from his mistakes, HE CAN’T, HE HAS NO “COMMON SENSE”. He is so full of anger, bitterness and hatred towards God that all he can see is Kill, Steal and Destroy EVERYTHING he can, because God made it all anyway. He may be the master of lies and the great deceiver, but he’ll never learn anything because, in his mind, he knows it all anyway, AND HIS TIME IS GROWING SHORT. Satan wants to kill EVERYONE, whether Hitler, or John the Baptist, KILL’EM ALL!!! (Hitler was offended in church Sunday School and decided to NEVER go back). Satan will never suffer in Hell, he goes straight into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone. ALL of Satan’s tactics are Known by the Holy Spirit, and He will Teach us all we’re willing to learn about Satan and his tricks, traps troublesome ways, IF WE’LL SIMPLE ASK, LEARN AND OBEY WHAT HE TEACHES US. Don’t focus on your failures, Focus your Eyes on Christ and you’ll see Victory in ALL you do Obediently for Christ. Christ IS Victory, so how much of Christ do you want in your life? Your Salvation is not the Question here, the amount of CHRISTLIKENESS in your Life is. Do you want a lot? Or just a little? How fast are you running away from sin? Do you “enjoy” a little fling in sin, once in a while? Or have you Learned your Lesson and running full tilt headlong into Christ, to NEVER look back at, “The good old days”? No guilt here, just Encouragement to step closer to Christ and CHRISTLIKENESS, one step at a time, one day at a time, one Obedience at a time, to hear, “Well Done”, and to FOR EVER, Be Blessed. 

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